Can you actually get older without getting old? Here’s your essential guide on how to do it!

As Seen On TV


1 in 4 US adults over 50 who aren’t retired expect to retire…never

It's no accident that we have a category here called Work & Unretirement. The concept of "retirement" — at any…

Age-restricted housing developments are booming

"Autonomy" is one of the seven A's of SuperAging. Where will you live? Can you be independent? Can you be…

Riding the rails: The timeless allure of train journeys

Travel, and the joys of exploring the unusual or unknown, is good for body, mind and soul. In fact, we’ve…

Can taking a vacation help you live longer? Here’s what the experts say

"To travel is to live."   This quote from Hans Christian Andersen may be truer in more ways than we thought.…


How aging changes the microbiome and can lead to ‘inflammaging’

We're reading more and more about the gut microbiome and its vital role in helping…

A vaccine to stop skin cancer? It’s being tested on melanoma patients in the U.K.

We recently reported on how Covid mRNA vaccines could lead to new cancer treatments, including…

These 8 habits can extend your lifespan by 24 years, study says

We've reported extensively on how our lifestyle choices, like maintaining a healthy diet (including these…

Is all-vegetarian the best diet choice for brain health? A new study raises questions

It's one thing to know about individual food items in relation to health and longevity.…